Spiritual Healing Arts

Welcome to our site, dedicated to The Living Spirit, as it comes forth through the Light of Healing, of Life and the Arts ... as the boundless creativity of Source creates more life, light and love, upon the earth and in every where!

The goods and services presented here are from Rev. John M. Kohlenberger, HHP, a multi-talanted individual.  John may be contacted at (928) 776-1686 or (949) 246-25124.

Often, John is assisted or at least supported by his wife, Martine.  Though she is a native of France, she is pictured (here) at Stonehenge, England, in year 2002.

She has since, in early 2013, passed on into the Greater Light of All-That-IS.

YOU are the Magic, the Creator and the Wizzard that creates your own life!

Read the text to the right to see how.

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