Quantum Healing employs the subtle divine energies that naturally exist in the Unified Field of Consciousness, many of which are hidden in the energetic structures of reality, including atoms, sub atomic energies and even in your DNA. All of these may be used for health and healing, of self and others; each in their own way. The Universal Energies of Light, Life and Love are infinite in time and space; thus unbounded! Based in the belief that everything is composed of energy (now called "String Theory" by many) or quanta (the smallest amount of physicality that may interact), vibrating at different rates, with different intensities and wave forms; infinite energy patterns are created throughout all that is, might be and was. The slight variations in movement and momentum of this Divine Energy (that used to be called "living spirit" by the Greeks, "sound" by metaphysicians or "Logos" by priests) creates the infinite varieties of form, color, smell, sound, feeling and even life itself, that we observe, plus much more within the many dimensions and multeverses that we are not yet aware of. This has been described, of old in very simple terms, as "The God Force, or Light, Life and Love". By working with these energies a channeler of spiritual energies may use personal love to work with All-That-Is, Was or Ever Shall Be for healing, wisdom and the betterment of life with the only limitations being those we humans might put on "possibilities". Remember the expression,"With God, everything is possible"? So as we channel Universal Energies, this facilitates these benevolent creative energies to move throughout your body, mind and soul, thus miracles may happen ... limited only by our own attitudes and beliefs. Yes, Quantum Healing uses elements of Scientifically Verifiable Energies and Divine Spiritual Energies (which are all part of the same universe) for Healing, holistically unifying them to go beyond our imagined limitations, to create a force that is greater than the sum of its parts. In this way, all the energies and processes that are known to science and religion, physics and metaphysics, at this time, are brought together in a holistic coordinated synchronicity ... for the purposes of healing and the betterment of humanity and the world ... in this New Age of Aquarius.
"All energy movement is consciousness in action.
The Physical Body: We can see, touch and smell, even taste and hear sounds from a physical body and being. But life does not begin, nor does it end in the physical world. We are, in fact, multidimensional beings that can think, imagine, create and be inspired. Thus you are not just a biological accident happening in a "random" universe. You are a conscious being!
Consciousness: Consciousness creates energy, so all or any energy is a sign of consciousness at work! For instance, every cell in your body has its own consciousness and every consciousness is linked. Thus, not only your cells. but your consciousness is separate from nobody and no thing. This is the beginning awareness, in a spiritual sense, of the power and prom ice of "Soul Healing".
Spirituality: Spirit is unseen energy; the consciousness o9g God-Goddess, the saints, spirit guides, angels, teachers and loved ones in your past and future. This is conscious energy and it is real, even though you may not be aware that you sense it in any way, as most people believe that they cannot see, hear, smell, taste or touch spirit because they are taught that the only thing that matters is "matter".
Enter, Quantum Physics: Like "spirit" and "consciousness", "Quanta" is a node of creative energy, like a :God Particle". Quantum processes are nonlinear, so in Quantum Healing, we use the intuition of creative mind and apply Metaphysics ("Beyond physics") to go beyond the limits of linear logic and physical knowledge to find and even create new breakthroughs in health and healing. In this healing practice. Rev. John is also putting many concepts of science and spirituality together, holistically.
Supportive Healing Modes: You will also find support through Rev. Martines' abilities, addressing your lifestyle and physical needs using the natural and ancient sciences of Numerology, Astrology, Hypnotherapy, Herbs, Oils and Natural Foods.
Holistically ...Together we do all this for the benefit humanity, and you. This is your golden opportunity to experience a better life through natural ways of pain relief without drugs, without physical surgery, using your Creative Mind along with a little coaching, mild exercise and possibly some psychic advice and/or energy shifting.
You may have heard about photons or sub atomic particles becoming "entangled". or acting as if they are one even when they are far apart in time or space. If not, it's time to break out of our old limitations and think outside of your little mental box.
Spiritually, love is an entanglement. Further, all entanglements (even seemingly based of fear) are a form of the divine, universal energies of love!
Messenger Particles:
So, even inside your body, there are "messenger" energies (possibly particles or wavicales, like invisible photons) that relay the needs of each cell to other cells, organs and hormone producers - even to your brain. Some scientists believe that these energies act within the workings of the "weak force". These messengers may even be mass less "gravitons" ... working with the forces of love - possibly even traveling greater than the speed of light ... as some say "thought" and "emotions" do.!
Hypnotherapy Helps
Using the properties of your own Creative Mind, Martine helps you go beyond what ails you, to find and create a different mind set, for drugless healing. This therapy may help you with pain relief without drugs, weight management goals, shape change desires or even advancement toward your lifetime dreams.
Edgar Cayce often claimed, "Mind is the builder" of our life and lifestyle.
What is Piezoelectric Vibrational Therapy? This is a hands-on technique (with slight pressure - not associated with acupressure) that promotes pain relief without drugs. John has been developing and using this technique for years. Light pressure on painful or spots where the energies are congested, where there are energy blockages, causes piezoelectric changes to the tissues, thus releasing the blockage, allowing toxins to move out, freeing the tissues of static electricity so the energies can flow again, relieves pain and increases tissue health, along with better emotional and spiritual health. Vibrations, in general, create densities or scarcities of energy and, thus of matter. The world we know is composed of dynamic waves, in one form or another. In this view, darkness is merely a density of light and matter is an even more dense form of light. And each disease has its own vibration, which can be raised or lowered to change it into something else ... with or without drugs, surgery or other physical means. When necessary, John uses these techniques along with hands-off energy movements to redirect and balance or rebalance your chakra, kundalini and/or chi in your meridians.
Healing Oils, Herbs and Foods These are some more of Martine's "specialties" for fortifying your body, improving your health, bringing greater abundance and providing you pain relief without drugs. Martine (born in France , with a Chef's diploma from San Diego) will also be offering healthy cooking classes. IMAGINE: You can learn how to make tasty meals that also help you heal and stay healthy!
String Theory Everything is true within its own reality and untrue outside of theat realm. Thus, there are no strings attached to anything! There are only nodal points of energy that create all the multiverses!
Quantum Healing Disclaimer
Our healing techniques are complimentary to other disciplines and are not a substitute for consulting with a qualified doctor or other health professional that you trust. Hoqwever, we each have two eyes and two ears for increased awareness, so a second opinion is a good precaution. What we do is complimentary to other healing modalities; thus we do not diagnose, treat, prescribe or cure anybody or any thing ... as our inspirational healing specialties come from the Divine Universal Energies, that are available to all.
In the beginning, if there were such a time and place, we are told in our holy scriptures that "God moved" . So it is that, today, waves of energy are constantly moving and changing through interaction in each now moment, creating and recreating all that is, was an ever shall be in the infinities of Creation. Thus, Creation is on-going so we constantly evolve and expand, just like the universe around us ... for we are a part of all that is, oncluding that God of Creation, and can never be apart from it - except in our wildest illusions, fantasies and imaginations of separation.
Thus, the universe is all one, yet acting as the many.
What is Your DNA?
DeoxyriboNucleic Acid or Divine Natural Awareness?
In Quantum terms, it is both, as DNA has both chemical and quantum properties. Our scientists see the chemicals that carry genetic information through electron microscopes, but miss the main (inviable) energetic components which are the information that tells each cell during the cell division process.
Through Quantum Healing techniques and therapies, along with other listed modalities and our thoughts and yours, your DNA is all repairable and reprogrammable for more health, abundance and even a longer life.
Classes on Quantum Healing will be offered in late 2012, starting at $200.00 per person. To teach this class, a minimum of 3 new students is required.
This is all about believing in, knowing of and directing beneficial, the good, divine vibrations of creation and your relationships with them, realizing that all things are connected, consciously and unconsciously, through the creative energy of Love. Thus, we have multidimensional connections with all life, as we know it, interconnected with all that is, was and ever shall be. However, there is also a unity of individialities throughout this Unified Field of Consciousness. This is a basic concept in this healing method, as perceived and still being developed by Rev. John M. Kohlenberger, HHP.
An Introduction to the Theory of Quantum Mechanics as applied here; NOTE: The following is based on modern Quantim Physics
- All things are vibrating energy, thus matter has wave properties usable in a particle-wave duality in the Multiverses.
- Light is a vibration that has both wave properties and discrete particle properties (photons). Light also has a particle-wave duality and is part of the EM (ElectroMagnetic) spectrum of known energies that pervade our known universe.
- Instead of "reality" being composed of continuous deterministic fields (as science has assumed up to now), the more modern view now is that Creation is composed of one great unity (space? light?) that may be described as existing in mathematically discrete statistical fields e.g. one may use probability waves to predict the location of a particle, but not always know "exactly" where it is.
- Thus many things exist in more than one place and/or time, in which case these may become artificial limitations to any possibility.
The Physics of Quantum & String Theories, as applied to Quantum Healing: Using modern Metaphysics - Energy can neither be created nor destroyed, thus the energy of Creation is still here and still active - forever, throughout the many dimensions of all time and all space!
- All Matter is formed by the density of vibration or in density nodes caused by crossing waves. This vibration may be called "space","magnetism & gravity", "light", "love" or what some call "God". Like a rose, it is the same, no matter what the name, "What is, simply IS!"
- The love and light (vibrations) of Creation formed all that is and thus may (and will) change anything in the great forever-now that we call "time", at any time. Thus "what is" is unlimited by "what is".
- Change is constant so our desired changes (as in healing) are shaped and directed by our co-created attitudes, beliefs and constant thoughts, acting (physically) through the EM (ElectroMagnetic & Light) fields. This may bring "instant" change, though all change happens in its own (quantum) time - and in its own (quantum) way. Many, in the past, have described this as, "God acts in strange ways."
The Result: Drugless Pain Relief through time.