Meet a Spiritually Inspired Astro-Numerologist!
Helping you discover the answers that you have been carrying, all along.
Meet Martine and have an AstroNumeralogical assessment - July 28th (from 10 AM to 5 PM) in the Arizona Room at the Hassayampa Hotel in downtown Prescott AZ, with the Mountain High Mystics! Find out more about Who You Really Are for only $25 for 20 minutes.
About Martine R. Kohlenberger
Numerologist, Astrologer, Hypnotherapist, Seer, Dietary Intuitive and Chef
Born in Paris, France after WWII, Martine later traveled other countries of Europe, and eventually came to this country, several decades ago.
Martine has since been a professional Accountant for over 50 years, so it is not by "accident" that she is interested in Numerology today. So, now, as Martine is beginning to retire as an accountant, she is turning her education and talents to helping many people understand where they are and why their lives are the way they are ... and where to go from here by looking at their numbers and giving an Intuitive Analysis.
In her early days of accounting, in this country, Martine was introduced to astrology by a coworker and later studied astrology with Isabel Hickey.
Later, when her life seemed to be falling apart, she began to find her psychic abilities, as she began seeing into the spirit world, with the help of her spirit guides. At this point, she turned away from astrology, as it was telling her truths she was not ready to deal with, yet. However, Martine will be facilitating spiritual development classes, with John, beginning in 2012.
She also has earned diplomas as a Chef and an EMT. Breaking further into the fields of health and healing, Martine became a trained Hypnotherapist and will be giving classes in meditation. She then moved more into the field of healing touch, as she became a trained, certified and licensed massage therapist, in California, working in that field, part time, until she lost the full use of her left wrist during a fall, while visiting Arizona.
And, because of her early years in France, with French Cuisine, later training at a prestigious chef's school in San Diego, California, combined with her massage school training in nutrition, Martine is now able to make healthy meals with the taste of excellent French cuisine. And she has the gift of Intuitive Diet & Nutrition Analyses as well.
Martine now lives near Prescott, in north-central Arizona, and loves it!
Let us begin with your Number! Numbers represent vibrational levels and densities of multidimensionsl energies. Two or more numbers always show a relationship of "this" with "that". Thus, this is an ancient science. The energies of the various numbers are like sign posts along your life path. Thus, they are an indication of various affects in our lives. Combined, they may influence us in many ways, as each number has a vibration all its own and a different vibrational harmony with others. Thus, this is another creative use of vibrational energies; that you can begin to comprehend, that work with your life-giving energies..
Based on our numbers, we may learn much from our birth year, day and how they relate to this year, this day and tomorrow.
Martine will help you understand the numbers that affect your life, at this moment.
Taking into Account Your Astrological Influences
Astrology is not folklore, rather it is the science of how the planets affect you through their succinct gravitational waves and energetic emissions. Astrology is perhaps the oldest study of all the sciences, even if we don't completely understand all about it (just like all that other "modern sciences"). As Martine has studied and worked with Astrology for several decades, she has become an expert Astrologer. Astrology, then, takes into account the vibrations and interacting gravitational magnetic and the many multidimensional influences on the patterning of the sun, moon, planets and cosmos, that also act upon your body, being and life as well as those around you, even though you may not be aware of their influences, as they are constant.
All of these influences are quantum multidimensional and kinetic energies, ever moving, changing and seemingly transitory, which is exactly what gives them their power, stability and a certain amount of predictability. Of course nothing is completely "PREDICTABLE", as the Universal Forces always reserve the right to surprise us, as the opportunities afforded by surprise promote personal spiritual growth ... and healing.
Experiential Hypnotherapy Sessions Learn more about your past, present and/or future ... As a well trained and Board Certified hypnotherapist, Martine can help open multidimensional "windows" that may aid you in finding solutions to some of the knotty problems and speed bumps in your life. This is a personal experiential situation, where you may meet your guides, angels and loved ones so they can help you see what the real problem is; whether past, present or preparation for your future. Past life regressions and future life progressions may also be helpful to you.
THINGS TO REMEMBER You and your Higher Self are always in control. All Hypnoisis is Self Hypnosis, the facilitator is only a guide.
From the Psychic Side Working with her spirit guides, who also work with yours, Martine is able to give information about your life that may not be revealed through the ancient scientific studies and traditions of Numerology, Astrology or Hypnitherapy. Her specialty, in this field, is offering intuitive dietary suggestions, which you may take or not. Of course, any information that you may not feel comfortible with concerning your health or nutrition should be either not followed or you should follow up by an appointment with a medical doctor or other licensed health professional, as Martine is no longer a licensed healer, trained dietitian or doctor of any kind.
This is a Family Affair
When John was 4 years old, he thought he might like to marry a French woman ... some day.
In 1991, John and Martine met in several ways. The first time, in about January, while on the way to work on a single lane road, John suddenly noticed a blonde woman in a white Honda in front of him.
About 6 months later, when John was a Facilitator in a Singles discusion group, Martine showed up and heard him speak of using love in business.
A month later, John was again the speaker, talking about "Open Heart Surgery" (how singles must have open hearts, even though they may have been stabbed, battered and bruised, if they are to find a meaningful relationship) and ended up, by lottery, in his smaller discussion group. It was then that he remembered his boy hood wish, but he decided to "let it work out, if it might".
A few weeks later, Martine saw John's picture along with the phrase "metaphysical", in a Singles newspaper and deceided to respond to his ad.
One of the first times they had a "date", John was surprised that Martine knew so much about him; more than his previous two wives ever did. Then, she revealed that she had an astrological chart made and as an Astrolloger, she could tell a lot about him.
Through the spirituality of these two beings, the rest is history ... now many years later.
NOTE: To see Martine in person, contact her by phone, cell phone or email ... or see the "Public Appearances" web page for when she is available in the community, in public. In 2012, we will be transitioning back into healing and other helpful pursuits valuable to humanity and the community.
Qualifications: Martine ... Besides her experience as an Accountant and Certified and Licensed Massage Therapist, training as a Chef and an EMT, Martine is also a Board Certified Hypnotherapist and expert Astrologer.