Energetic Healing Services
Helping You find your own Healing ... from within.
"While the tradoitions of ancient Tracitional Chinese medicine (TCM) consider the heart to be the seat of the soul and Ayuravedic traditions see that organ as the arbiter between heaven and earth, modern medicine remains with the antediluvian definition by the prominent Renaissance William Harvey that the heart is (simply) a mechanical pump."
- Spontaneous Evolution, p 139.
All of creation is formed of energy. Matter and energy are completely interchangeable. And, all energy is consciousness in action, formed and moved by internal attitudes, beliefs, choices, desires, expectations, fantasies, guidance, hidings, inspirations, joys, kindness and loves (even if we don't yet know what they are).
NOTE: You have just been introduced to some of the ABCs of creation.
In Nature and all natural processes (including Healing): Nothing is denied access to the realms of possibility. Thus, the only thing that limits us from realizing some of our limitless possibilities is our belief in our unworthiness or the non-existence of "other" possibilities! Thus, we are only limited by our own denials ... which are "blocked energy"! And, it is our blocked energies that create the basis of all pain, discomfort, dis-ease, disease and sickness in our bodies, minds, emotions and souls.
Relax ... Release ... Relieve ... Reorder ... and Re-LIVE A BETTER EXISTENCE!
Energy or Energetic Healing techniques, like Reiki, Shiatsu, Vital Life Force Restoration, Laying on of the Hands, Hypnotism, Spiritual Advice and other spiritually inspired methods come from the ancient cultures, these are all a part of John's and Martine's range of healing techniques, thus they are not limited to any one technique. Typically, this kind of energy healing includes a laying on of hands along with chakra balancing and polarity therapy. Inspiration, spiritual energy channeling and promoting the natural flow of internal healing energies are also employed by these practitioners. Influencing healing energies at a distance may also be something we may do for an individual as we, the as channels of healing and health, draw on the Divine Universal Life Force, that is within all life, for inspiring healing in, around and for the client. These forms of energy or energetic healing are often used by experienced Massage Therapists, whether their clients know it or not. It is something that "just happens" as one opens themselves to the energies that are within and yet beyond our physical orientation, as we allow it.
Energetic Healing helps to move and release stagant, stuck, static energies and the stress that these energy blockages generate. Now, you can find relaxation, release and stress relief as you elect to ease your dis-eases in Prescott AZ! As we are also aware of the latest theories about the spirituality of our DNA and biology and Quantum Science, we call what we do, Prescott Quantum Healing.
Since we human beings are composed of active physical and spiritual energies, we are energy beings ... created in love, out of light (and other energies identified with the electomagnetic spectrum), when we, as healing channels, move the Divine Universal Life Force (known as Chi, Ki, Qui, Shi, etc.) that gives us Life and movement, Thus, we may begin to understand that Living implies movment and flow. This is The Way the universe works. By certain movements, some subtle, some not, your healer (doctors included) is encouraging the movement of the consciousness of the divine becoming physical perfection through each and every cell, thus encouraging health and healing of your whole body, and being. As the Healing Channeler moves the energy of the divine life force through an individual, blockages and barriers are opened for improved energy flow and health, thus releasing the stuck, stagnent energy blockages that your body has alerted you to with the pain and lack of movement that they generate. Thus, you may feel stress relief, pain relief and renewed eneggy surging throughout your life, without leaving Prescott!
It has been known, for many millennia throughout the Orient, that if one's life force is stagnant, blocked or slow moving, thhat person has a tendency to dis-ease and over time, illness, disease and even death. This is why energetic healing using techniques like Reiki, Shiatsu, Polarity Therapy, Hypnotherapy and even Affirmations are extremely important to aid the flow the vital life force through your body to keep your life moving, vital and healthy.
Energetic Healing Workshops in Prescott: Are you a healer? Do you feel drained when healing? Or do you just want to learn how to heal? We will conduct a Healing Wokshop in 2012, starting at $99.00 per person for 4 to 6 hours of instruction and hands-on practice. For this class to start, a minimum of 3 new students is required. Learn how to ground, flow and not feel drained as you heal. Other useful healing techniques will also be shared by professional healers. "All diseases may be healed; not all people can be."
Chapman Building, Fullerton CA |
This is the building where John's father, Dr. C.F.W. Kohlenberger, MD, Physician and Surgeon, had his office in Fullerton, California, when John was born. This building was also once the home of the "Famous" Dept. store.
This is the building where John and Martine had their licensed massage practice, "Therapeutic Dimensions" and "Above and Beyond Day Spa" in Lake Forest, California.
Interestingly, John walked through this building in 1970 when it was brand new and wondered "who will be in that office" as he came to the last office in the downstairs hallway. Thirty years later, he found out ... it was him! He and Martine were also the last occupants of that office, as the building was renovated shortly after they came to Arizona!
John & Martine Kohlenberger have brought their professional healing talents from California to Prescott and Prescott Valley Arizona, for your stress and pain relief so you may ease your dis-ease.
Now operating in and around Prescott AZ ... RATES: Our rates for Energetic Healing and Stress Relief vary, according to the facilities used. In an Office has to be higher, due to overhead costs. At home (yours or ours) costs slightly less, as the facility is already "provided".
LENGTH OF SESSION Retail Value Our Price 20 minutes $30 $25 30 minutes $50 $38 45 minutes $70 $52 1 Hour ` $90 $65 Normally, we do not want to work longer than an hour, so we do not over do a good thing.
You may purchase a low cost discount trial session with John at a Mountain High Mystics event (see Public Appearances Page) @ 20 minutes for $20.
Know that you are in control of your own healing process; as you are an active participant and vital energy within the Cosmic Continuum, so there is nothing you cannot do. Every cell in your body used the divine energies of creation to come into existence in this world and in your body, in exactly the right way and place to provide its function, so long as you both shall live. So it is that each cell has within it, the necessary "intelligence", ability and energies to regenerate and renew or replace itself, as needed. Thus, ultimately, you are your own best healer, especially with proper nourishment (physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually, with positive attitudes, beliefs and connotations) and a little love from your brothers and sisters, called humanity.
NOTE: Both John & Martine have been trained, certified, licensed and practiced, with experience, in most of the Oriental Healing Arts mentioned herein. All of these are based on Energy manipulation (not necessarily physical or body manipulation), and are thus used for pain relief beyond the physical. These Helpers of Humanity are also trained in the way of spiritual healers and mystical ministers. John and Martine each practice their own particular Energetic and Spiritual Healing Arts. Some of these involve suggestions for a better diet, way of thinking or belief system. Of course, as with any advice from any source, the dicision to apply or not, consider, or even to what extent you may want to follow these suggestiona, are YOUR PERSONAL DECISION.
What we do is not a substitute for seeing a qualified doctor or other health professional. As we all have two eyes and two ears for better sensing, so too is a second opinion a good way to know better "what is and what isn't". What we do is complimentary to other healing modalities; thus we do not diagnose, treat or cure anybody or any thing ... however the Divine Universal Energies that we channel are our inspirational healing specialty.