“Quand ilya de la vie il ya de l'espoir!” Where there is Life, there is Hope!
A New Year & New Beginnings
News and Events along Martine's Journey Through Healing ... 2013
ANOTHER BIRTHDAY and IT'S A NEW YEAR ! Pictured here is Martine in Sedona, at Shugru's Hillside Restaurant, April 2011. We are all looking forward to experiencing more of the wonders possibilities and probabilities with more freedom of motion including joyous and happy times of living and sharing our love, as indicated in this picture. Our desires for a bright future are evolving as each one materializes as their own realities for us.
Martine's New Journeys ... January 2013
JANUARY 1st, beginning the NEW YEAR of 2013 - HAPPY NEW YEAR
Today, we watched the Rose Parade together, as we have done for 20 years, though her attention span was not like it used to be. Very short!
Later, I (John) was fortunate to witness the expert care that Martine is receiving from the ST, PT and OT personnel at North Mountain. Each of these therapists worked in their own way with Martine's joints, muscles, nerve pathways and helped Martine coordinate those activities. It is my feeling that, after laying in bed for most of her 14 weeks into this process, these are the actives that Martine's body/mind needs at this point in her progress. Need I say that Martine was tired after her 3 hours of sitting in her wheelchair, touring the building and then working out?
HAPPY 68th BIRTHDAY, JANUARY 3rd - Spirit (Puppy) and I visited Martine after she had all her therapies and she was tired, but "cleared" to drink water while sitting up. We opened birthday cards, she read them, her birthday buddy Carla called and they talked, then Martine dozed off to sleep. She told me that we would open presents on the 5th, when I return. She has been doing wonderfully and making great strides in recovery with her PT, OT & ST!!!
Saturday the 5th, we had a good day together, opening a few presents and she told me that "the Social Worker" talked to her and that Martine told her "No DNR, I want Full Code", so that is what level we are working with at this point! I told her that I was staying home Sunday for Church.
NO FLOWERS - Send Cards to our home, please!
Sunday, January 6th, the beginning of week 15 ... The "Turn"
MARTINE'S EPIPHANY ... The staff at North Mountain called me in the afternoon to tell me that "Martine is unresponsive". (I.E. UNCONSCIOUS) They told me that she was laughing and joking in the morning! Yes, I now understand that this is quite a "typical" attitude for those who are about to "die" ... as they finally let go of their need to be right or control anything or anybody, to finally relax and surrender to this totally natural process! That is what Martine did - and in that process, she started to become happier that she ever had been, in this life and body.
Thus, shortly after noon, Martine was transferred to Paradise Valley Hospital, and admitted to the ER, for diagnosis and treatment, with her mouth and eyes open and seemingly unresponsive, while certain parts of her body twitched uncontrollably. When I arrived, at about 6 PM, her lips quivered as if she wanted to speak, "I'm so glad to see you". I put my finger in her right hand and her fingers quivered as if to try to squeeze my hand.. Martine opened her eyes later, before I had to get home before the snow.
NOTE: Martine was there and aware, even if the body-mind had trouble coordinating a response!
call it taking a turn; it was My Turn to Leave, is what it was." "But
at that point, with all the surgeries and all the pain, I wasn't sure I wanted
to 'do it' again. I wasn't really certain that I wanted to at that point. You know the rehabilitation would have been
tremendous, and I wasn't very strong to begin with". And then she decided that she didn't want to
go through all of that. And then she
realized that this is all part of the plan, that God was in charge of the whole
DIAGNOSIS: Extreme Dehydration, Electrolytes imbalanced with her Sodium at an extremely high level (170) possibly aggravated by a Fistula leaking bile and other fluids from her adnominal incision ... which was healing just two days ago.
TREATMENT: Slowly begin administering fluids to flush the excess salts (metals/minerals/electrolytes) and then balance those electrolytes. Then, try to get her to Banner Good Sam where her original records and surgeons are, so she may receive further diagnosis and treatment.
Monday the 7th, I saw Martine again in the ER, in about the same condition as they were giving her fluids to correct the Extreme Dehydration,condition that brought her here. And, as to her Fistula, the doctors said, "We'll deal with that later."
Tuesday the 8th, Martine was moved to ICU, in much the same condition (I took the day off from driving to Phoenix to see her for a massage & haircut). Just after my massage, I received a phone call telling me that Martine was being moved back to the ICU at Banner Good-Sam, where the staff had all her records.
Wednesday Jan 9 ... I visited Martine in the ICU at Good Sam, downtown Phoenix. She was a little less responsive, but still "trying" to respond. An EEG showed reduced brain activity.
Thursday, Jan 10 - I visited again and the doctors were talking of performing a CT Scan of Martine's cranium (for a brain scam). It was performed the next morning.
Friday, Jan 11 - I was told that the tissues in Martine's Cerebral Cortex were dead and dying and even the brain stem was severly compromised. The doctors were still "hoping" that she would open her eyes by Friday (as I was told several days before), but hope was dwindling.
“The word salvation in the Bible means perfect health, harmony, and freedom.” – according to Neale Donald Walsch
Martine's Journey has a New Beginning ... 9 January 2013 January 9th, as Martine's high electrolyte concentrations were beginning to reduce and there was a beginning of some news response, as her eyes closed so she could sleep! And then, a bed opened up in the Banner Good Sam ICU! TESTS: Blood analysis (revealing extreme concentration of "salts" with high sodium), blood analysis (confirming dehydration), ECG, CT Scan of her cranium, EEG, and possibly others. Before I left, Wound Care came to clean Martine,s leaking Fistula and to collect fluid samples for analysis. When I left, the nurse was giving Martine antibiotics, fluids, IV nourishment and some potassium to balance the high sodium, as they bring the concentrations down. [Martine had a history of low potassium, anyway!] NOTE: There is a possibility that Martine will "wake up" by Friday ... I'll be there! Friday 11 Jan. ... It seemed that Martine was noticing noises and movement, but her eyes were not tracking anything and she was not following commands. However, both feet were moving and were sensitive to my touch.
Sunday, the 13th, when I "got in her face" and spoke to her, it seemed that she had a slight smile ... a friend was there. Also, several times when it seemed that I might be getting her attention, Martine yawned, as if trying to wake from a deep sleep. Other symptoms similar to Friday. They did an EEG and there seemed to be some brain activity.
Though, not much had changed as I visited her, I told her how much she is loved ... several ways. I gave her the best hug I could and kissed my fingers then touched them to her lips. There was some lip response, some awareness still there ... despite what the medical staff told me about "automatic response"! Monday the 14th Martine had 3 seizures. (Dead tissue expands, causing pressure on the brain - pain and thus the ceasures) I visited Martine in the ICU the next day on the 15th. Martine must be tired as she still yawns when I seem to get her attention (telling us she is tired of all this medical technology?), Tuesday, Jan 15 - When I visited on Tuesday the 15th, Martine seemed less responsive in every way. The doctors did an MRI of her cranium and found the cerebral cortex to be largely nonfunctional or "destroyed" ... likely because of several days with elevated sodium (as high as 170 ... normal is 135 to 145). I was told that her "personality" is gone and there is no hope of recovery.
The staff asked me if I wanted her moived to Hospice, as they could do mothing more for her in the ICU. I told them I had to consider that and would let them know in two days. Thursday, Jan 17 - When a trio of friends visited Martine's hospital room on the 17th, her body was even less responsive than previously, though as I approached her bed, it seemed that she wanted to speak to me . FRIDAY, January 18, ... Martine's eyes DID NOT OPEN, as we had "hoped". So, I made the "Hospice decision"! Martine will be moving to a facility run by The Hospice of the Valley, in Phoenix. Martine's nearly lifeless body was moved to Hospice of the Valley (www.HOV.org) so that all biological processes may complete and the "Silver Chord" (now just a thread connecting body with soul) may be severed from this life experience upon the earth with us and she may move on to her Next Grandest Adventure within Everlasting Life, Love and our Existence within the Light and LIFE of All Creation! Saturday, January 19, According to the Comfort Care Nurse I talked with today, typically this process takes a week to 10 days, but with Martine, we'll just have to wait and see when she decides to disconnect ... bless her ever loving heart! Sunday, January 20, John visited Martine with his daughters , Elaine and Becky and Becky's husband, Andy. Martine seemed both aware and glad that we were there, opening her eyes often and even attempting to smile. She was also looking at others who were with her (Loving her on the other side of the veil), that were in her awareness, but we could not see with our human eyesight. This has happened often during the past 3 months! We shall meet again! On Sunday, I asked Martine, "Let's do this again, sometime", because, despite the happenings of last few trying months, we had 20 GOOD years together, living in love and companionship!
tWHAT I HAVE LEARNED FROM THIS EXPERIENCE WITH MARTINE: The "present" is a gift for us to use as best we see fit and our "presence" is our gift, of love, to give to or to share with others. "Hospice is a special concept of care designed to provide comfort and support to patients and their families when a life-limiting illness no longer responds to curative treatment."
The picture below is of Martine, right after our moving to Arizona, at her son's graduation from Police Acadamy, in San Diego.
WEEK 17 - NOTE: I didn't expect Martine's body to continue its vital functions into week 17, but they are continuing without medical life support, antibiotics or a ... for a few more WEEKS!
Monday, January 21 - John found out that Martine has Sepsis, which is usually fatal. That evening, Martine's nurse reported Martines rising temperature, heart rate and breath rate, all symptoms of Sepsis in its final stages, She thought that Martines essence would remain attached to the body (with a silvery thread of ectoplasm) for only a day or two more. Tuesday Martine's heart rate was 130.
Wednesday, Jan 23 - Martine still opens her eyes (but less) when I talk to her, hold her feet (channeling energy like I used to do in Massage) or hug her and kiss her cheek. She also smiles and will slightly pucker when I kiss her on the lips. There is awareness and conscious action, still alive here!
Thursday, not much physical change, but I am told that Martine is feeling both "Peace" and "Freedom" ... this, however, has nothing to do with popular political slogans ... yet she is in contact with THE SOURCE of Peace and Freedom!
Friday, January 25th - her body is getting weaker, but she still opens her eyes! Conscious awareness still persists! Martine "hears everything I say" because our real (spiritually or energetically sourced) senses are coordinated through our physical control sensor, the brain. However, the energies of perception come from and go far beyond physical body and its spiritual expression.
To understand death and dying better, I recommend that you, the reader, read Anita Moorjani's book, "Dying to Be Me" to learn more abour Who We Really Are!
Saturday, Jan 26th ...Today, when we (a different trio of friends) visited the HOV Hospice home, Martine's body is no longer responsive ... though I felt she was still in the room, just barely connected to the body (by a thread of ectoplasm). I believe she will release on the 28th ... though she has been full of surprising events over the last nearly 4 months!
Monday, Jan 28 - Dear Martine has not let go, yet. But, she is holding her own ... with NO Antibiotics, No Ventilators to help her breathe and No unusual temperature swings ... for over two weeks! Out if the Hospitals, all of her bodily life sustaining functions are doing well!
Martine's biological functions continue to flow life in her body, though it is now at a diminished capacity. Making that "final decision" about ending an earthly life is often difficult when the personality is standing at death's doorway, considering to move on into its Next Grandest Adventure within Everlasting Life, Light, Love, Laughter, Learning and Inspiration!
Wednesday, January 30 - I received that expected, yet dreaded phone call from Hospice of the Valley in Phoenix at about 8:10 AM. The person in the phone told me that Martine had passed at 7:56 AM that morning. Finally .. she has no more pain, no more "procedures", no more being woken up for medications or other hospital rituals and she has full mobility now ... Martine is enjoying freedom and flight of her soul! Beyond our wildest dreams and imaginations!
Somehow, a True Love Story Never Ends! The picture below is of Martine on our 15th wedding anniversary, taken at Prescott Resort where they have Real Rock Crystal Chandeliers (with Natural Quartz Crystals).
Martine's Angels, Guides and a host of loved ones are with her, comforting her at this moment, as she looks forward to her Next Grandest Adventure in the Multiverses of God-Goddess and All-That-IS!
Blessings, My Divine Child of Light, Martine
Inspired by May Rowland
Child of Light, I bless you!
I think of you, I pray for you,
Not in terms of what I think you need,
or what I think you should do or be or express.
I lift up my thoughts about you,
I catch a new vision of you,
I see you as a child of light.
I see you guided and directed by an inward Spirit
that leads you unerringly into the path
that is right for you.
I see you strong and whole;
I see you blessed and prospered;
I see you courageous and confident;
I see you capable and successful.
I see you free from limitation or bondage of any kind. I see you as the spiritually perfect being that you truly are ...
Child of Light, I bless you!
As a Massage Therapist in California, I (John) learned: "Death is the Ultimate Healer"!
Martine is Back to NATURE (Pictured in the Isle de Paris "Flower Market") NOW, She is coming Home with God-Goddess, the Angels and ALL her friends from across the eons!
Dying for Love: Martine: There I was, in the room at Hospice, out of my body wanting to communicate with you, John. I wanted to say, please don't worry about me, I'm fine. I will share with you what I now know, in your dreams. This body whose hand you have been holding isn't the real me, but we'll always be together, connected through all of time and space. Because of our love, nothing can separate us. We're a team. Even as I physically die, we'll never be apart, for ife is perfect, just as it is and I trust that now, and I want you to trust it, too. Heaven is not a place that you go to, instead, it is a state of expanded awareness of love, joy, peace, freedom and knowing that everything is OK after all. Thank you for being there for me through our marriage, but most especially though my illness, and caring for me when I needed you most. I wish everyone had a family who cared about them the way you and your children care about me.
YOUNG AGAIN! A Hope and a Dream Realized!
A COMMENTARY Martine told me (John) many times that her astrological chart showed that she would work all her life and then die. Well, she retired in May and then moved on the following January. That's pretty close to what she believed. But Martine has told me, since (April 2014), that she did not want to become an "old lady" like her mother did. She did not want a life with pain or reduced mobility like her mother experienced, and that was beginning to occur with Martine's body. She wanted to feel young and vital again ... and in "death", this became her new reality! For, Life and Love are Forever! Voila ... the perfection of LIFE ... realized!
In memory of my dear wife, who wanted to attend the BIG family event that my mother (from the other side) had talked to her about, then Martine became the reason for it; and as a result was there after all. So, now, I thank you, Martine, for giving me the opportunity to experience the presence of your infinite soul, for providing me the opportunity to know and experience the unconditional love that we all are, and for assuring me that you're still here, there, and everywhere.
There is no separation, as Love is eternal and in everyone! So, in "death", what is moving on is the physical body (as it returns all of its elements to the earth from whence they came) so that it (you) could be the manifestation of love upon the earth. However, as the soul energy is also eternal, it never leaves, it just expands ... and one's awareness expands. So, it is then realized, again, that there is no separation, ever, not even in "death"; especially in "death"! It's just as if that person moved to a foreign land (called Heaven), but in truth, they are with you always.
This was Jesus' message to the world, to each one of us, as he was sent to the cross, he portrayed a message for each one of us to take to HEART!. "There is no 'DEATH' ... only Life and always more of it!
P.S. Martine told me, in August 2013 (by direct voice communication - through thought), "I may be dead, but I'm not gone." Now, you may believe or disbelieve this, but for me, it is my truth, regardless!
And, so it is that, your loved ones can be communed with as you tune in to the Love channel! Just tune in to the love that you are and the love that they are and The Magic may begin!
COMMENTS "The thought of Martine in heaven puts such a smile on my face, she is going to draw a crowd when she makes her appearance.. so much talent and love in such a wonderful soul." - From an old "Spiritualist Circle" friend of Martine's from 20 years ago.
This page has been under construction during Martine's Journey into the Great Beyond within the Ever Present Now of infinite Beingness ... of which we are all a part, even now.