GOING HOME: In this world, death exists as a part of life, so that we may appreciate life even more, even though it is well known that beyond death's door is more (different) life.
My Shared Near Death Experience (NDEs or SDEs) with my wife
What in the world? Or is this (are these experiences) an indication of other worlds, realities or dimensions inter-between and/or beyond this world of consensus physical reality?
On this page, you may read about shared death experiences (SDEs), which are common death-bed visions and near-death experiences that family, friends and care givers witness along with a person who is dying, as they pass, ‘temporarily’ or ‘permanently’ from this life to the next.
Learn more at www.SharedDeathStudy.org
Love Everlasting ... Transcends All Time and Space ... Forever! Thus, Love is often called a transcendent energy for new experiences.
 My SNDE Impression of Paradise
An Impressionist View of my Shared Near Death Experience (SNDE)
The above watercolor "impression" gives you a very rough sketchy idea of the world that Martine helped me to become aware of as she was preparing to leave her body and physical focus. The new world she was passing through was vibrant with living colors, half surreal, because EVERYTHING WAS ALIVE, EVEN THE DIRT, THE SKY AND THE ROCKS!
P.S. The challenge here is to "picture" in earthly terms a "reality" that was truly out of this world.
. - Rev. John M. Kohlenberger, HHP
A VIEWER COMMENT: Oh, that is SO beautiful! The way you describe that everything was a live…the trees, the rocks! Yes! And, your watercolor captures the vibrancy of the colors (beyond our wildest dreams)…it took my breath away! :)
Dreams of Paradise!
A Shared Near Death Experience (SNDE)
As witnessed in a Shared Near Death Experience by Rev. John M. Kohlenberger (a very rational man of science), on the morning January 29 2013, the day before the soul of his wife, Martine, finally released her body back to the Earth and Mother Nature, while her essence (soul energy) took flight in the freedom of All-That-Is, was and ever shall be.
Early in the early morning of January 29th, I was dreaming about something and then it seemed that I was seeing flashes of light. This kept up until these flashes finally got my attention and I began to focus on them.
As I turned my attention to them, it seemed that they were sparkles of light that were coming from glistening water droplets. As I my awareness then began to expand, I saw that they were coming from a beautiful little waterfall. I then observed that there was a continuous stream of water coming to the waterfall and it continued downstream with other little waterfalls. Nearby was an even bigger waterfall. There were many waterfalls and they all fed a large pond or lake!
Nothing was hidden in this "world", thus there was no reason to even think about having secrets. So, it seemed that I even knew what was "behind" or even "beyond" anything I could see. This place was timeless and distance was no problem, for all was One.
As I looked around, I saw trees, rocks and earth around the lake and everything was alive with joy. Everything was in Living Color, as everything was alive! The colors, shapes and energy of everything was Vibrant with Life! The sky was alive, the rocks were alive and, Yes, even the nearby buildings were alive as even their walls emitted life, light and love. Yes, there were also beautiful birds, trees, plants and flowers, all alive in radiant, vibrant beauty.
This was a scene that Martine was showing me, as she was passing her conscious focus from this world to her Next Grandest Adventure, as she lay in bed, as we awaited her last breath in a Hospice of the Valley home in Phoenix, AZ. This dream was so vivid, and awe striking that I was awakened by the awareness of all that shear life, light, love, joy and beauty, thinking "This must be Martine's 'Heaven' that she is now experiencing".
The sunrise was just about to take place, and I was tired, so I went back to sleep After I went back to sleep, I was in one of the buildings near that lake. This was like a deluxe resort and Martine and I were talking. What we talked about, I do not remember, but the feeling was glorious, as we had not been able to speak back and forth (physically) since January 5th, just before her body had become severely dehydrated, putting her electrolytes "deathly" out of balance, causing major destruction of the cellular functions of her cerebral cortex and brain stem. Thus, the symptoms of comma and limited bodily responses followed on January 6th (Epiphany in the Catholic Church - and hers too this day) as her body now lay dormant, just hanging onto life, eyes and mouth open as if it was already "dead".
Martine then told me that she had to take a shower and get dressed before she went out the door to go do some things that she had to do, elsewhere. She said, "You can stay here and relax, do what you need to do, for now ". She then went into the shower.
When she came out of the shower, all naked, I noticed that her body was now all white, clean and she was revitalized and refreshed. This was her Spiritual Baptism; a cleansing of the earthly limitations of earth, body and mind. Somehow, I do not remember seeing her get dressed, but I do remember seeing her go out the door to "follow her path" in that beauteous living world. As we said "Good Bye", she said to me, "I'm going out the door now, but you can catch up with me later.", knowing the we shall meet again ... and again, as life goes on even though the body returns to the earth from where of all its physical "elements" came from ... the loving energy that we all are is never destroyed; never dies, though it changes form constantly.
Martine's body took its last breath of life in this world at 7:54 on January 30th, 2013, and she rests in Peace, in the bosom of everlasting Life, Light, Love and Creation, getting ready for MORE AND GREATER EXPRESSIONS OF LIFE, LIGHT AND LOVE, throughout the infinites of Multiverses, throughout THE ONE TIME THAT IS ALL TIME!
“The challenge here is to speak in earthly terms of a situation or experience that is out of this world.” - "Home with God" by Neale Donald Walsch, page 122.
A CONVERSATION WITH DR. PEEBLES ABOUT THIS SNDE ... as given through Summer Bacon, from 'the other side' of life, light and love, to my here and now (Me) Some of the dreams (actually a SNDE) that I had around the time that Martine "passed" showed me some beautiful scenes, where the colors were vibrant because everything was alive, including the rocks, the dirt and even the sky!
(Dr. Peebles) And, so as one passes, so do all the illusions of separation, so you're not holding anything at arm's length in that period of transition. So all the colors come to life and you see that all the space around you has never been empty in the first place - It's all full, it's all one. (And there's glorious colors between you and the telephone right now, what have you.) And so, it's a remarkable experience. And you were given the gift of being able to see all this in your dream state. That was specific to you from Martine ... Little gifts from the heavens!
As I have said before, Martine is the Gift, for me, that keeps on giving.
The sparkle of water droplets, once called "undines" as the water elementals in the alchemical works of Paracelsus, are actually coded messages being flashed to us by the water as it speaks to us, using the medium of light! So, you may now understand what is behind (deep in nature) the fact that we are now communicating around the world using light pulses, through our physical medium called "fiber optics"? When energy is organized or arranged, like it has to be for the "Internet Protocol" to work, we call it "information" ... as the energy is now "in a formation" that we can recognize, use and work with. Of course, we need to recognize that there are many OTHER organizations for "energy" that we don'y currently recognize or understand, but we will in the future and then humanity will begin to work in new, exciting and unimaginable ways. THIS (the information presented here) is just the beginning!
Our 'Attraction' to the Red Rocks of Arizona
By Rev. John m. Kohlenberger
Leading up to Father's Day, in 2005, my wife, Martine, asked me, "What would you like to do for Father's Day?" So, as we both liked Sedona and sitting on the patio of the Raven (now Pink Jeep) Coffee House, I said, "I'de like to go to Sedona for Father's Day." This began a sequence of events, heart inspired I might add, that seemingly had far reaching effects ... as you'll see.
During this Father's Day visit to The Village of Oak Creek and Sedona, Martine announced, "I'de like to go look at houses." I thought, "What? We're on vacation! I didn't come to look at houses." I thought I had come to enjoy a relaxed view of the blue sky, the red rocks and green trees and to talk to people from all over the world at the coffee house. But, as we later drove to Cottonwood, Martine said, "Turn around, I want to go see those houses". and so we did. These werew homes in 'Cornville". We went back to look again a few more times that year... as the prices were rising!
What was Martine's 'Attraction' to Prescott? By Rev. John m. Kohlenberger On a later visit, I convinced Martine that if we drove to Prescott we might find what we wanted in a New Home. So we went up into the mountains, Martine never did like the winding road with steep drop-offs, but she beard the discomfort of that drive through Jerome.
As we came over the mountains we felt a sense of freedom in the wide views of the Bradford Mountains in the distance. This must have been the feeling Martine was looking for. But there was more.
As we drove on AZ-Hwy 89, past Prescott Lakes Parkway and the waterfalls by highway 89, Martine said, "Turn around, I want to go look at houses". And so we did ... eventually leading to our purchase of, first an existing new house on the north side of Prescott Valley in Viewpoint, and then a later purchase of one yet to be built, a simi-custom home that we could help design, on the south side of the town in the foothills of the Bradshaw Mountains at Stoneridge..
IN LATE 2014:
The waterfalls at the intersection of Prescott Lakes Pkwy. and AZ-Hwy 89, have recently remind me of the waterfalls in the SNDE (Shared Near Death) sequence described above. As I recently took the close up and personal photo, shown at the left, I was reminded of the sparke of the water droplets that first got my attention in the SNDE dream sequence, as water cascaded over little waterfalls lighted by the Light of Creation.
As I reminisce, all this now leads me to believe that at some deep and unconscious level of her soul, Martine knew that this would be her exit point from this life and that this was an area that we could live in where I would be happy, even without her physical presence. As I have said many times since about July 2010 when we visited family in Southern California, "Moving here, from Southern California to the mountains of Central Arizona, we moved a little closer to heaven'' , of course I did not realizie the "Gravity" of those words as I first said them and what they migh mean, now. But, even now, they are still TRUE!
DREAMS OF LOVE A Channeling (a year later)
"You meet Martine in your dreams and she meets me in hers; as all dreams are simply explorations into other realms and realities. You and Martine meet and sometimes just look into each other's eyes on a starry night ... so DREAM ON ... in love! "
"It was like I was pure consciousness and I was filling the room and beyond that.” - Anita Moorjanis experience of releasing from her body
"We're all facets of the one consciousness." - Moorjani
In the great transition we call "death", life does not end; all life becomes one, as in coming into the center off all universes where the unity of God-Goddess and All-That-Is is known ... within each individual consciousness!
Thus, one is reunited with their loved ones, yes, even prior pets (as shown here, as Martine with her friend Darty).
Not only has Martine met many long-lost human relatives, but she has also been reunited with all her dogs and cats of years gone by.
She sometimes likes to relax, enjoy and just be with them, as they are pure love, with no judgements, even about their earthly sojourns, for Love makes no judgements!
This page is under construction during Martine's Journey.