General Outline
This outline is not "fixed in stone"!
Please leave your fears and wories at the door step so we can all enjoy a time of being in love as we all trust the Universal Forces of God-Goddess and All Goodness.
About 15 minutes before the "official" starting time. To set the Circle energy, the leader(s) meditate to set the focus.
WELCOME and thank you for joiningthis Sacred Circle of Co-Creation as we join with the souls of Antiquity and those of Futures yet unrealized.. This is a Circle of Life, in miniature as our soul partners come together to shower us with love to help us to find our self response abilities in love.
By Circle Leader ... From an recent Inspiration, New Awareness or Inspiring Book
OPENING AFFIRMATION: ... or Prayer - Trusting that God is ALWAYS with you (us)
IThis may change from time to time. We're not in a rut!
GUIDED MEDITATION: Relax, Release Surrender and Rejuvenate as lift our awareness, minds and spirits beyond earth, body and mind. This meditation lasts for only 5 to10 minutes .
INVOCATION: (May be a part of the Meditation) to Enjoin with Source; the Light and Love of All Creation; inviting our personal Angels, Guides, Gate Keepers, Loved ones and beings of the higher vibrations to participate.
About 5 minutes of sitting, relaxing, feeling, listening, seeing, tasting or tasting spiritual promptings - using our inner awarenesses so that we may experience communion and "contact" then dialog! Initially this may be as simple as "Intuiting" Faces, Billets, Cards, Letters, Smoke, Smudges, or other practices promoting Inner Awareness
Channeling our Life, Light, Love and Inspiration to others in, of and betond this world.
We now thank the Christ Light of Creation, our Guides, Angels and Loved ones for being here with us and invite all back here for our next gathering to build a higher level of Spiritual Vibration, Energy and Awareness.