Spiritual Healing Arts
This page Celebrates Martine's Graduation ... into her Next Grandest Live Adventure ... in other realms.

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MY 3 DREAMS - On the morning of January 29th ...


My love, my wife Martine, who has been slowly moving on to her Next Grandest Adventures showed me some waterfalls and many other places and wonders (I also remember lakes, trees and vibrant colors. where Everything was "alive", even the rocks.)  

I was truly blessed to have witnessed all this, seemingly through her eyes!  Thank You God, Goddess and my angel Martine!

Martine and I were in a resort (maybe the place I was shown, above) , relaxing and talking with each other. (I don't know what about ... It just felt good.)

Then Martine got up to take a shower.  When she came out of the shower, her body was now white (clean & pure ... and her soul is purified).  I was still in bed (physically asleep and dreaming) and she told me that though she was getting dressed to go out the door and do her things, I could stay in bed for a while, get ready myself and catch up with her later.

How reassuring these dreams were and are!  As some of my checks say, "Love Connects us All"!


AND this morning (30 January) I was sleeping in, expecting the phone call that came at 8:06, relaxing in bed ... as Martine walked out the door of this life experience, resurrected into the next phase of her everlasting life ... so I can catch up with her later!



As we realize that all are resurrected, in their own light body, into everlasting life, upon physical death, then "death" has no sting after all!

What Happens When You Die?

   This is so complicated, but I'm going to divide it into two parts, both spiritual. The death of a Human, which all of you  have experienced, is not the end. This is intuitive within you, because you've gone through it before, but the truth of it hides just under the surface. You're not really quite sure what will happen to you, but your intuition tells you it's not the end.


    There is no sting in death — not for you, but for the ones around you there is. So the first thing I want to tell you about death is that those around you often suffer. Sometimes that is appropriate, for it brings them to their knees, especially when you seem to leave too soon. Sometimes, because of that, they will discover what is inside of them, incredible spiritual solace and then realize that your death was the catalyst for their enlightenment ­!. Do you understand that process? Sometimes you are partners in this, with agreements in advance for potentials to help each other, even through Human death. So it's not some­thing to mourn at all. Often, it's the completion of a beautiful arrangement.


What happens when you die physically? That's easy — you return to the dust of the planet. What more do you want to know? Corporeal? Easy. That's just part of the Gaia process. But let me tell you about the moment of transition. You lose three ounces of something that no one knows about. The three ounces is quantum information. It's the quantum part of your spiritual core, everything that ever was of you, and it doesn't go up — it goes down. It goes back to the cave of creation and beyond.

- from Kryon, in the February 2013 issue of "Sedona Journal".


As I (John) was leading a class, "Lost Christianities", at the college this morning (Jan 31) , I was being reminded (by Martine) of some Christian terms and descriptions that Martine is experiencing, that just may be misunderstood because of putting too many expectations and restrictions on them:

* Purification - this was accomplished as Martine took her "shower" in my dream, rather than by "baptism".  Thus it is available to all, no matter what Religion they practice.

* Born Again - Martine is now certainly born again; "Resurrected" in a new body not of this world.  Again, this is also available to all, no matter what, for it is of God and Spirit!

* Everlasting Life - and "Life Persists", life goes on, and like any worldly or divine energy (which our souls are) life does not cease at "death", though it does change form.  Isaac Newton even knew and described this in scientific terms!

And now, the soul we knew as Martine has ...





(put back together, in the Grander context of an All Loving Creation.)


Pictured above is a portrait of one of Martine's past lives , then known as "Maria". This young girl was a temple maiden in an ancient Grecian temple, until Pompeii erupted.

And, sure enough, as her teacher told her, she has found Everlasting Life ... in many forms, times and places.

Pictured above is a photo depicting a past life of  Martine, during the 18th Dynasty in ancient Egypt.

Pictured here is a pastel portrait, created by Martine that depicts one of her past lives , then known as "Emile Braunte". This young woman lived in the English countryside and, along with her sisters wrote several books.

In the mid 1990s, while under hypnotherapy, Martune had memories of Emile and her good friend and neighbor (I never heard his name) that may also have been a "past life" of her husband Jonn (in this just past life).

Martine also believed that she lived a life as Mary Queen if Scotts.  When we walked past her crypt, in Westminster Abby (Year 2000), Martine remarked, "This feels strange.  It feels like I'm out here and in there all at the same time".

Q: My loved one is dying right now; in fact, I thought they were going to die last night. I'm experiencing fear but I'm also experiencing joy and the transcendence and the unconditional love I feel from them.

A: Indeed, and beloved, it is to say forth, "Have a wondrous journey!" To acknowledge...You see, beloved peoples ... it is in the fear of the death that you do not acknowledge with that which is the honor to say forth, "I honor that which has been your journey and now I honor this new adventure - this new journey you are about to take." Then you may say, "You are always with me in my heart and that which is love is eternal. There is no separation."  All right?

You see in this fashion when people are afraid that they will be separated in the change that is to come from those which are called "loved ones," it is to know, absolutely, that there is no ending; no separation.

(Turns to another woman) Is that not right, beloved? You know it so well. (She agrees.)

That which is called the veil of consciousness that semingly separates you from those who have died is only in that little bit of consciousness that, as yet is not known; not understood. That is all.

- from P'taah Light Source, January 2013


Within our greater beingness, we exist in every dimensional reality so that we are never seperate from Source, or anything or anybody.  And that greater part always exists within the heart, mind and arms of Universal Consciousness, or God (Abba or Allah).


... of a whirlewind life ... well lived!

Une vraie histore d’amour n’a pas de fin!

Somehow, a True Love Story never ends …

as the Love of God-Goddess is Forever!


  From the point of Love within the Heart of God,

Life and Light are Streaming forth into the hearts

      of Humanity, Bringing Peace on Earth

             for those who feel that Love.


Friends and Relatives of Martine R. Kohlenberger

    are gathering at 1 PM on Sunday, March 17

                  For a California Memorial

(and Graduation Ceremony) to honor the life, light and love of our dear friend.




At Col. Bill Barber Memorial Park, Picnic Shelter #2

4 Civic Center Plaza, Irvine CA 92606-5206


  Off the I-5 or 405 Freeway on Jamboree, to Alton,

    to Harvard, to Civic Center.  Park on the right side of lot


You are always with me in my heart, my dear Martine, for love is eternal,  

and within All-That-Is, there is no separation; ever. - Rev. John K

"To Love Another Person is to See the Face of God"

                              - Victor Hugo

 A Greater Part of Love may be Found in Letting Go


As children, we are taught that the sign of love is holding on, and there is something

 to this notion.  However, life is full of dichotomies, and within each is a  hidden

 kernel of wisdom.


The dichotomy here is that one may find and even display a greater love in the

loving allowance of letting go and trusting that item, that person, situation or soul

actually has the wisdom to know what is best for them in each moment, and even

in THIS and/or EVERY moment, so you may release them into their own power

and glory.  In "The Lord's Prayer", this is what "The Kingdom" is all about.


So, now, by the wisdom of God-Goddess, All-That-Is, was and ever shall be,

Martine is finding anew and experiencing many new glories that she is and powers

that she has, all because she has "Free Will" as a portion of Creator and creation;

and all this is occurring within the "Kingdoms, or context, of Universal Love!


And, this is only a portion of "The Peace that passes (and surpasses) all
understanding", for within the Multiverses of our experience that we call "God",
each and every portion, thing, thought, feeling and energy is needed ... or
(by the power of God) it would not even exist! 


Blessings and Peace to you all - Your Brother John K!

Somehow, a True Love Story Never Ends!

The picture below is of Martine on our 15th wedding anniversary, taken at Prescott Resort where they have Real Rock Crystal Chandeliers (with Natural Quartz Crystals).

Coming Home into the Greater Light, Life, Love, Joy, Peace and Freedom 

TODAY (30 January, 2013) Martine has finally

ascended into the light, life and love of God-Goddess

and All-That-Is, was and ever shall be, to discover 

new visions of all the possibilities and probabilities

that lie within the multiple realities and Multiverses

that we call "God".


Here, she is pictured, on her 15th wedding

anniversary, in a hallway of Crystal Light ... in the

Prescott Resort, high above the City of Prescott



But, two mornings ago, she let me see the wonders

of what we and she calls Heaven (and really it is all

about us, for those who have the eyes to see it),

where the colors are vibrant and everything, even

the rocks, are alive with vitality beyond the

comprehension of most human beings that are fully

invested in the idea that everything that matters is



While there is physical matter, alright, not all that

matters is physical, as there are many more

dimensions to LIFE EVERLASTING ... of which we

are now living, right along with Martine Kohlenberger.

      "Everything is perfect; the greater purpose is always being served."

                            - Anita Moorjani, Dying to Be Me

I would not have suffered the pain of the loss of Martine if I had not known the joy of knowing her, loving her and living with her!  And, now, I wouldn't trade our short time together for anything.  Our times together were so enjoyable that I said to her more than once, in her last days, "Let's do this again sometime".  Of course, I know that the universe never repeats anything exactly ... only Xerox attempts that!

ARIZONA OBITUARY ... January 2013

Martine R. Kohlenberger was born and raised in Paris, France, but always wanted to visit 

sights on coming to the United States, later meeting an American GI in London, marrying

him and living in Germany before coming to Southern California.


As an accountant, Martine worked for construction, agricultural and real estate

development companies, in California and later in Arizona.   She was also a founding

minister in the Mystical Spiritualist Church of Costa Mesa CA., later of Prescott Valley and

more recently holding services in Prescott, AZ.  In addition, she has been active with the

Mountain High Mystics, and the Culture de France French club of Prescott Valley.


Martine passed into her Next Grandest Adventure, in Phoenix, to experience  more life,

love, light, joy, peace and freedom on January 30, 2013 at 7:54 AM.


Mrs. Kohlenberger is survived by her son, Patrick Dobbins in San Diego, CA,  her husband
John of Prescott Valley, his brothers and daughters' families who live in the greater LA

basin, of Southern California and a cousin and niece in France.

Friends and associates of Martine are invited to her Memorial Service on Friday, February
15 at 3 PM, at Sunrise Funeral Home and Crematory, 8167 E Hwy 69, in Prescott Valley, AZ



Afterwards, those wishing to engage in the ancient religions custom of having a potluck as

a celebration of life, after such a Memorial Service, will be invited to bring your  favorite

finger food to share, along with your warm heart and open mind to the home of John

Kohlenberger, just a few miles away in Stoneridge, a community in the foothills of the

Bradshaw mountains.

Now we may all celebrate Martine's (so called) death and resurrection into everlasting life.

You can't "bring back the dead", because they aren't really dead at all!

They have simply change their attunement to be different than ours.


“The word salvation in the Bible means perfect health, harmony, and freedom.”

– according to Neale Donald Walsch


Martine's Angels, Guides and a host of loved ones, from Earth and beyoind, 

are with her, comforting her at this moment, as she looks forward to her Next

Grandest Adventure within the Oneness of the many Multiverses of

God-Goddess and All-That-IS!

A Healing Prayer

Based on one given by Dr. Peebles, through Summer Bacon, 09-08-2012


Dear God-Goddess who art in heaven, who art within us, who loves us, immensely, wholly and completely,


Deep within our hearts, we know that greater awareness of how you are

 in us and we are in You.


May this awareness come more and more into our hearts each day, as

we see and begin to understand that our every expression is yours and

that our hands only touch with your love, for there is nothing apart from



And , may we begin to intuitively know, with your wisdom, that our

movements about the earth are according to your will, or we would not

even move; for your will does not bind, but allows us freedom and Free

Will for all.

We are honored that you are bringing Your Love and blessings, as we are

gather this day to honor our friend and companion soul, and the spiritual, emotional, mental and physical life that we have had the pleasure to

know as Martine Raymonde Kohlenberger.

We know that your love is the healer and that your love, grace, peace

and healing is moving through, in and around Martine, but also each

and every of us and as it is also moving through the Multiverses at all


Dear Mother-Father-God, thank you for showing Martine, and us, how to extend our beings into the world and at the same time that we are

weaving ourselves into the fabric of eternity, just as Dear Martine has.


So, Now, as Your Presence is within each of us, it brings uplifting energies

in our world and this world, to the many rather than just the few, at all

times, as we are now being uplifted, along with Martine, as an expression

of you;


Knowing in our hearts that we are all, indeed living and moving toward

the expression of greater love and that always, and in all ways,

for ever more.


And so it is, now and always!


     From the point of Love within the Heart of God,

Life and Light Stream forth into the hearts of Humanity,

 Bringing Peace on Earth for those who feel that Love


Friends and Relatives of Martine R. Kohlenberger

    are gathering at 1 PM on Sunday, March 17

            For a California Memorial Service

                (and Graduation Ceremony)

      to honor Martine's light, life and love!



At Col. Bill Barber Memorial Park, Picnic Shelter #2

    4 Civic Center Plaza, Irvine CA 92606-5206



  Off the I-5 or 405 Freeway on Jamboree, to Alton,

                 to Harvard, to Civic Center




As a Massage Therapist in California, I (John) learned:

"Death is the Ultimate Healer"!

Martine is Back to NATURE (Pictured in her home village of Poerfiet, now a

suburb of Paris - in April 2000" 

NOW, She is Home with God-Goddess, the Angels and ALL her Friends

and Relatives from across the eons!


"Bless Martine and Bless you John.  I send my love to you both."


"Wonderful john. She is already seeing what a beautiful place she is going to and she wanted to show you.

Yes, you will see her later, but you have other work to do do here. That is for sure."


"John - You have been blessed and those blessings will continue."

"Jihn - Many blessings to you John in this time of transition for both you and Martine. She was a light to all of us who

knew her. May her beautiful soul rest easy!"

This page Celebrates Martine's Graduation ... into her Next Grandest Live Adventure ... in other realms.

See photos and hear audio excerpts from Martine's Arizona Graduation Ceremony (Memorial Service) by clicking this Web Link:



                                  LIFE IS PRECIOUS

"Life on Earth is so precious, because it offers such an intense experience of all the emotions humans are capable of. Even a short lifetime lived in poverty offers the soul a range of experience and a level of understanding that would be hard to achieve in many centuries on the other side of the veil."

-  The words of Jeshua, in "Your Soul's Gift" (p274), by Robert Schwartz

NOTE:  These pages have been under construction during the 4 months of Martine's Journey through the Allopathic
Healing World and into the Great Beyond within the Ever Present Now of infinite Beingness, where all healing and
all creation originate ... and even we are all a part of this, even now, but we forgot.